Giving is said to be one of the fail-safe ways to receive. As the saying goes, “giver’s never lack.”

Oftentimes, however, most of us feel that we are only able to give when we have an excess of resources from those we need. But, it’s important to remember that we can give from and make a difference with what we have.

Our very desire to give is powerful. It inspires us to find ways we can now and in the future. And, one of those ways is by making a Goodwill Vow.

Now, if you find that you are always willing to donate, do things for others or support actions that will create a positive impact in the areas you care about, then you might just be a philanthropist in the making.

What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. -Albert Pine

Who are Philanthropists?

A philanthropist is anyone who willingly donates their resources to a charitable cause to help create fundamental changes. According to the National Philanthropic Trust, “a philanthropist is anyone who gives of their time, talent or treasure to make positive change happen for humanity regardless of wealth or status.”

Philanthropists are often motivated to give by one or more of these factors:

  • Good News: One is often inclined to give back when one expects good news or something good actually happens. Some companies, for example, would pledge to donate certain amounts if they are able to reach a milestone or achieve a target.
  • Personal Interests & Experiences: One’s own interests and experiences can also influence one’s giving. One is drawn to support particular advocacy and initiatives more than others because they form rather personal connections with these. For instance, if you’re an entrepreneur who struggled to start, you may find your desire to assist another startup to be greater than others because you are able to relate to the feelings of startup owners.
  • Gratitude: Another reason to give comes from when one acknowledges their blessings and is moved to give back to those who blessed them or pay it forward to others. This is one of the most common drivers for people who’ve worked hard and achieved financial success in their respective fields. Many of the these people (and many of whom are famous philanthropists in our world today) make it a point to express their gratitude and give.
  • Dream of Making an Impact: When one seeks to address a societal problem or be a part of the change they want to see, they are driven to make this a reality. Making a difference in this way is the greatest hope one has each time they give.

So, whatever your reason/s for giving may be, the most important thing is that you do it. And, the second most important thing is that you encourage others to do the same.

We can harness the philanthropist within each of us by taking action. Be it by volunteering, advocating for the causes we care about in our different groups and platforms or by making a Goodwill Vow. 😊

We’d love love to hear from you! Let us know in the comment section below: What motivates you to give?

You can start your philanthropic journey by making a Goodwill Vow. Check out our website and make a vow today!