Did you know that young people make up a significant demographic in the world? Well, it is estimated that there are around 1.2 billion young people in the world, who make up 16% of the world’s population.

In the 60s, precisely in 1965, the journey for the acknowledgment and involvement of youth as actors and mobilizers in the development of the societies began, when UN Member states endorsed the declaration on the promotion among youth of the ideas of peace, mutual respect and understanding between peoples, thus creating the path for the designation of 1985 as the International Youth Year.

This action drew international attention to the important role young people play in the world, and, in particular to their potential contribution to sustainable development. Several actions were triggered that led the UN General Assembly in 1998 to declare August 12 as the International Youth Day.

From that day, the international youth day is celebrated annually to raise awareness about the challenges and issues faced by young people around the world as well as to promote their potential as partners and actors in today’s global society. As a result of that, we can see nowadays the remarkable achievements of young people in the different spheres of development, including their involvement as key actors of change at the forefront of philanthropic actions.

In this year, the International Youth day is celebrating with the theme, “Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World”, recognizing the importance of active engagement of youth in peace and sustainable development efforts to achieve sustainable, inclusive and stable societies. To that end, it is important to provide them with the knowledge and opportunities they need to thrive in this endeavor.

To commemorate the International Youth Day, we highlight the largest Sustainability Leadership trainings for youth and its campaign.

UPG Sustainability Leadership mobilises people and organisations to support positive citizen leadership on sustainability by bringing together people who are committed to impact by taking positive actions. An important way that this is achieved is by training “UPG Sustainability Leaders”. This year, the training is running a campaign that celebrates diversity, allowing multiple posts from each participant, so feel free to explore and express as much as you like!

Joining the LOVE #UPGSustainability Campaign is very easy with three simple steps:

  1. Create your content: Let your imagination run wild! Showcase what you LOVE about #UPGSustainability. The possibilities are endless – from capturing inspiring moments during UPGS Training to featuring actions that promote sustainability in areas like Education, Health, Poverty, and beyond, to showcasing the amazing actions of #UPGSustainability Leaders who are making the world a better place. You can even express your love for the mission of #UPGSustainability to create a more sustainable world!
  2. Publish your content: Share your creation far and wide! It can be in the form of a captivating video, an expressive dance, a touching mime, or any other artistic expression that aligns with our theme of sustainability. Remember to prominently feature “LOVE #UPGSustainability” and add music from the “UPGS Class of 2023 Official Soundtrack” to infuse even more charm to your creation.

Official Class of 2023 Soundtrack: https://unitedpeopleglobal.synology.me/drive/d/f/tJISS3yFXQqPHXUcVwO6jo4utXP0DHiu

  1. Share your action with UPG: Don’t forget to let us know about your fantastic action! Share your masterpiece through our portal at https://upglive.org/shareaction-love-upgs and spread the love further by tagging UPG on all social media platforms using the official hashtag #UPGSustainability.

Come on the Forum and share with us Youths that motivate you or you admire, that have impacted you positively.