How good will it be to live in a society without conflicts, wars, indifference or inequalities? To live in a society abounding with peace, love and compassion among human beings!

In today’s post, we invite you to meditate on the concept of charity and its Earth-shaping role for the creation of inclusive and more resilient societies. 

More than making the world a better place, charity is an act of demonstrating solidarity, empathy, love and compassion to others through good deeds. It is a philanthropic gesture that aims to create a more unbiased and balanced world where individuals care about the well-being of others.

Charity plays a crucial role in reducing social inequalities and promoting development, offering voluntary assistance to people who do not have adequate access to basic resources; such as food, housing, education, among others. It can be expressed in many ways, from monetary donations to providing volunteer services in under-served communities to aid different causes, without the expectations of any payback. This support must be effective and sustainable, seeking lasting solutions to the problems faced by people in vulnerable situations.

On September 5, we celebrate International Charity Day, a day in which everyone is called to act for the common well-being, remembering the deeds of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who dedicated her entire life to helping those in need.

By practicing charity, we not only improve the lives of others, but we also enrich our own existence. Therefore, it is essential that each of us promote acts of charity in our community, contributing to the construction of a more righteous and equitable world.

As an initiative that promotes democratized philanthropic and charitable actions, Goodwill vows dedicates this day to praise those who believe and support the initiative, showing generosity and dedicating their time to support causes they care about by placing vows to their favorite organizations.

Join the movement and make a Goodwill Vow today!